Honorary Research Associate
Software Developer
AWS Architect
PhD Student
Our advisory board provides scientific and strategic input to help shape MAP’s decision making in support of the fulfillment of our commitments to funders and partners.
Composed of external individuals with expertise relevant to the overall objectives of MAP, our advisory board is a formal mechanism to enable an independent audit of MAP data, methods and results to maximize their robustness and suitability for informing decision making. Our advisory board also provide strategic review on the alignment of our activities with global and national agendas including on our strategies to foster further collaboration within the malaria research community; utilizing the most appropriate metrics to measure and track our research impact; and, implementing mechanisms that are adequately tailored for long term sustainability of developing capacity and decentralization.
Principal Scientist/Senior Research Manager, Institute for Disease Modeling at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Head of Unit, Strategic Information for Response, World Health Organization Global Malaria Program
Researcher, PATH
Head of M&E, National Malaria Elimination Program, Abuja
Geoscientist, World Health Organisation Regional Office for Africa, Brazzaville
Since it was founded in 2005 by Professors Simon Hay and Bob Snow, many individuals have contributed to the success of MAP, either as staff or key collaborators.